Vidéos - Livres - BD

Collection de vidéos, livres et Bandes Dessinées sur thème de l'aviation

Combat Aircraft n°11 - B-24 Liberator Pacific War
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Book - Combat Aircraft n11 - B-24 Liberator Pacific War Ever present in the Pacific from Pearl Harbor to VJ-Day, the B-24 Liberator proved to be the staple heavy bomber of the campaign. From its ignominious beginnings in the Allied rout in the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies, the bomber weathered the Japanese storm with a handful of bomb groups, which played a crucial role in checking the enemy's progress firstly in New Guinea, and then actively participating in the 'island hopping' campaign through the south-west Pacific. - 'langage'
34,10 €
Christian Moench - Pilote de Raid
Book - Christian Moench - Pilote de Raid Biographie de lauteur du premier Paris-Tokyo-Paris en 250 heures de vol en 1931, puis du raid trans-africain Paris-Tananarive. Une rhabilitation dun homme injustement oubli pour cause de disparition aux commandes de son appareil quelques semaines avant la confrence de Munich. - 'langage'
40,00 €
Icare n°145 - La bataille de France : La chasse Tome III
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Book - Icare n145 - La bataille de France : La chasse Tome III Sommaire: - L'escadrille des archers - Premiers vols et premires batailles - Murtin et le II/5 - Drole et moins drole de guerre avec le I/5 - Les Curtiss du I/5 - Mai-Juin 1940 un contre cinq au GCII/10 - Sur Bloch 152 au II/9. - Le Sous-Lieutenant Madon - Souvenirs de 39/40 - Le dernier combat du Sergent-Chef Morel - Les quatres vies de P-G Latcore - Dans la nuit du 9 Octobre 1927 sur le terrain de Montaudran.... - 'langage'
26,88 €
Gangster du Ciel
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Book - Gangster du Ciel De nombreux avions de ligne ont t victimes dagressions : terrorisme, dtournements crapuleux, hold-up, actes de folie, vengeance personnelle, erreurs de tir de missiles, tentatives de coups dEtat, etc. Ici le lecteur dcouvrira des rcits authentiques labors partir des rapports denqutes et des tmoignages des victimes, ils apportent un clairage nouveau sur ces vnements qui ont dfray lactualit. - 'langage'
39,82 €
Combat Aircraft n°3 - Helldiver Units of WWII
Book - Combat Aircraft n3 - Helldiver Units of WWII The most numerous Allied dive-bomber of World War 2, the Curtiss Helldiver endured a prolonged gestation period to mature into one of the most effective aircraft of its type to see service in the Pacific theatre of war. Some 7200 aircraft were built between 1942 and 1945, the type making its service debut over Rabaul on 11 November 1943 in the hands of VB-17, this unit flying SB2C-1Cs from the deck of USS Bunker Hill. Although hated by the myriad crews sent into combat strapped to a Helldiver, the bomber was responsible for the destruction of more Japanese targets than any other dive-bomber. - 'langage'
34,10 €
Combat Aircraft n°57- AH-64 Apache Units of Iraqi Freedom
Book - Combat Aircraft n57- AH-64 Apache Units of Iraqi Freedom After the attacks on 11 September 2001, Apache units made significant contributions to the Coalition campaign against Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan. Functioning as the 'killer' part of US Army Hunter-killer teams, Apaches sought out and brought overwhelming firepower to bear on Taliban and al-Qaeda forces, as well as providing direct support to Coalition troops on the ground. Apaches spearheaded the advance of the 3rd Infantry and the 101st airborne divisions into Iraq, engaging in some of the heaviest fighting along the western axis of advance. Weather and enemy fire took a heavy toll on Apaches operating in Western Iraq, but the resilience and flexibility of the Apache was central to the success of this campaig
36,96 €
Combat legend - North American P-51 Mustang
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Book - Combat legend - North American P-51 Mustang The Mustang was the greatest godsend to the massive daylight bomber fleets that pounded Hitler's Reich during WW2. It was the first aircraft to have the range and ability to intercept and destroy German fighters that had previously decimated Allied attacks and caused the loss of many US aircrew members. Designed and built in the USA to a British specification, the early models were under-powered and it was not until the famous Merlin engine was installed that its full potential was realized. The type played a vital part in all wartime theatres and went on to serve with many air forces in post-war years. This is the perfect introductory book for the general reader, enthusiast and modeler alike wishing to find a succinct yet detailed introd
28,42 €
De Velo d'Astico au Concorde
Book - De Velo d'Astico au Concorde Un destin factieux. Naissance dans un camp de rfugis, exil en France, sminaire, chmeur puis casseur de cailloux, les grves de 1936, un emploi de mcanicien avec des patrons drangs du cerveau , rquisition par les Allemands et un dpart pour lAngleterre en qualit dinstructeur sur le Concorde. - 'langage'
30,32 €
Combat Aircraft n°50 - B-52 Stratofortress in Desert Storm
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Book - Combat Aircraft n50 - B-52 Stratofortress in Desert Storm With the ending of the Cold War, the B-52's traditional combat role became redundant, and the USAF looked for new ways to use the machine. The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq in August 1990 gave the B-52 the chance to prove its worth in the new world order, and Stratofortress crews flying the B-52G seized the opportunity with both hands. This book explains how, flying from bases in the Indian Ocean, Britain, Spain and Saudi Arabia, the B-52G was at the forefront of the campaign to free Kuwait of Saddam's forces and dropped the first bombs of Operation Desert Storm. - 'langage'
164,99 €
Combat Aircraft n°41 - US Army Cobra Units in Vietnam
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Book - Combat Aircraft n41 - US Army Cobra Units in Vietnam Bells AH-1 Cobra was the first dedicated helicopter gunship to reach frontline service anywhere in the world. Developed as a private venture by the manufacturer, and based on the mechanics of the ubiquitous UH-1 Huey, the Cobra proved a huge success once introduced into combat with the US Army in 1966. Built as a key weapon in the Advanced Aerial Fire Support System concept of 1965, the AH-1 was one of the few aircraft to reach the combat zone after actual combat experience went into its design. The AH-1 helped reduce the losses being suffered by vulnerable troop transport helicopters by providing effective fire suppression during airmobile operations. This book explores its history, technology and crew. - 'langage'
36,96 €
Icare n°163 - Air France en Indochine
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Book - Icare n163 - Air France en Indochine Sommaire : - L'aviation en Indochine - L're de l'Indochine par les airs - 1919/1938. - Le chemin de fer du Yunnan. - L'indochine survole - Robert Lambert, pilote cartographe - Air France Indochine 1938/1945 - Hong-Kong - Air France Indochine - Le martyre de Franois Martin. - Franois Martin, mon compagnon de lutte - Franois Martin, la mort d'un hros. - Extrait des ailes du 13 Octobre 1945. - Souvenirs - 'langage'
29,88 €
Icare n°156 : La Bataille de France vol XVII : La Chasse Tome IV
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Book - Icare n156 : La Bataille de France vol XVII : La Chasse Tome IV Sommaire: - l'toile blanche - Ses compagnonsd'armes ont dessin une toile. - Un nom qui claque au vent ainsi qu'un pavillon. - Deux grognard de l'arme de l'air, Georges Garde & Henri Cormouls. - 1940-Un ciel de gloire et de dfaite. -Le sous-Lieutenant Jean Ruby "mort pour la France". - "Les vieux soldats" du III/2 en 1939-40. - Au III/2 de Cambrai Montpellier, dans un dcor de pagaille monstre. - Heurs & malheurs d'un pilote de chasse et du GCII/8 en 1939-40 - Maubeuge : 15 Mai 1940 - Du Simoun au Spitfire - Souvenirs de la campagne de France au GCII/7 Dijon. - Les tribulations d'un pilote de chasse en 1939/40. - Ma 6m victoires.
29,88 €