Books - Comics

Collection of books and comics on aviation theme

Excutez l'Air Commodore
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Book - Excutez l'Air Commodore Trente jours avant le dbarquement de Normandie, un Lancaster s'crase dans un petit village de la Sarthe, L'un des deux survivants est l'Air Commodore Ronald Ivelaw-Chapman qui a travaill, un an durant, aux prparatifs du dbarquement. A ce titre, il dtient donc la plus grande part des secrets d'Overlord. L'annonce de sa survie plonge Londres dans un vif tat d'anxit : captur, l'Air Commodore risquerait de dvoiler aux nazis les informations qu'il dtient. La raison d'Etat commande donc sa neutralisation... Grce au courage de Franais qui n'hsiteront pas prendre leurs risques, l'Air Commodore sera finalement retrouv aprs deux jours d'errance et pris en charge, avec l'autre survivant, le Sergeant Joe Ford, par le Bureau des oprations ariennes. Ce rseau d
Chroniques Aronautiques
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Book - Chroniques Aronautiques Jean Belotti, ancien lve de lENAC (Ecole Nationale de lAviation Civile) et de Saint-Yan (Ecole de pilotage dite La Mecque des pilotes ), a men une belle carrire de pilote Air France : Caravelle, Boeing 707, Boeing 747, instructeur, chef pilote et Prsident du SNPL (Syndicat National des Pilotes de Ligne), puis expert. Avec 18.700 heures de vol, il a lch le manche pour la plume et le clavier dordinateur. Dj, il avait crit de nombreux ouvrages qui font rfrence, en particulier sur la scurit et - tant galement universitaire - sur lconomie du transport arien. Fin 1999, il dbute la rdaction de chroniques aronautiques mensuelles : bien cibles, cales avec lactualit, bien documentes, ouvertes et donc propices aider la rflexion. Trente quatre chroniq
Luftwaffe Fighter Units Russia 1941-45 - Airwar 11
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Book - Luftwaffe Fighter Units Russia 1941-45 - Airwar 11 This book traces the combat history of the Luftwaffe fighter units deployed to Russia during World War II. Major aircraft types are all covered, and their missions detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'
USAAF Fighter Units MTO 1942-45 - Airwar 12
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Book - USAAF Fighter Units MTO 1942-45 - Airwar 12 This book traces the combat history of USAAF fighter units, including the creation of the 15th Air Force. Major aircraft types are all covered, and their missions over North Africa, Italy, and North West Europe are detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'
Luftwaffe Bomber Units 1939-41 - Airwar 15
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Book - Luftwaffe Bomber Units 1939-41 - Airwar 15 This book traces the combat history of the Luftwaffe bomber units that operated between 1939 and 1941. The major aircraft types deployed during this period are all covered, and their missions over Europe, Africa and the Eastern Front are detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'
British Fighter Units Western front 1917-18 - Airwar 18
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Book - British Fighter Units Western front 1917-18 - Airwar 18 This book traces the combat history of British fighter units. Major aircraft types are all covered, and their missions detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'
RAF Bomber Units - July 1942-1945 - Airwar 19
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Book - RAF Bomber Units - July 1942-1945 - Airwar 19 This book traces the combat history of the RAF Bomber Units that operated between July 1942 and 1945. The major aircraft types deployed by the RAF during this period are all covered, and their missions detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full colour illustrations. - 'langage'
USAAF Bomber Units Pacific 1941-45 - Airwar 22
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Book - USAAF Bomber Units Pacific 1941-45 - Airwar 22 This book traces the combat histories of USAAF bomber units flying in China, Burma, India and the North and Central Pacific. The major aircraft types operated by the USAAF during this period are all covered, and their missions detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'
Luftwaffe Fighter Units - Europe 1942-45 - Airwar 24
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Book - Luftwaffe Fighter Units - Europe 1942-45 - Airwar 24 This book examines the combat histories of Luftwaffe Fighter units during World War II. The major aircraft types operated by the Luftwaffe during this period are all covered, and their missions detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'
RAF Fighter Units Europe 1942-45 - Airwar 10
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Book - RAF Fighter Units Europe 1942-45 - Airwar 10 This book traces the combat history of the RAF fighter units deployed over Europe during the final years of World War II. Major aircraft types, including the new Typhoon, are all covered, and their day and night time missions detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'
USAAF Medium Bomber Unites 1942-45 - Airwar 7
Book - USAAF Medium Bomber Unites 1942-45 - Airwar 7 This book traces the combat history of USAAF medium bomber units of World War II. Major aircraft types are all covered, and their missions over North Africa and Europe are detailed. Aircraft markings and aircrew uniforms are shown in full color illustrations. - 'langage'